Rotterdamse Academie van Bouwkunst

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Architectuur / 2020-2021 / Agri-Culture – studiejaar 2020-2021 / 1e semester

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Architectuur / 2020-2021 / Agri-Culture – studiejaar 2020-2021 / 1e semester

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Agri-Culture – studiejaar 2020-2021 / 1e semester

PREPUPAL - RAvB: Studentenwerk Garry Leisberg

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APB_06 - RAvB: Studentenwerk Ronja Dmoch

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Phuoc Nguyen

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SOY - RAvB: Studentenwerk Clenda Boonman

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Fungi farm - RAvB: Studentenwerk Léon Silderhuis

Fungi farm
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Rain Potato Brewery - RAvB: Studentenwerk Aria van Steijn

Rain Potato Brewery
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Kip It Simple - RAvB: Studentenwerk Folkert Bil

Kip It Simple
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City Pigs - RAvB: Studentenwerk Henk Bijsterbosch

City Pigs
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All-use Aquaculture - RAvB: Studentenwerk Kaspur van der Lem

All-use Aquaculture
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Liquid Gold No 15 - RAvB: Studentenwerk Bradley Hoedeman

Liquid Gold No 15
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Refinding the balance - RAvB: Studentenwerk Willem Evers

Refinding the balance
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Charlotte Meijerink

under one roof
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