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  • Architectuur
  • 2020 / 2021
  • Eerste semester
  • docent: Klaas van der Molen, Wesley Leeman, Felix Medrazo en Lucas Verweij
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The Aquaponic Box is a farm designed to facilitate the production and processing of brown rice and tilapia, a fish sort today only farmed in Asia. The place where the aquaponic system originates from. Already thousands of years ago, farmers in the rice paddies used the synergy between fish and plants. It forms a highly balanced closed system in which the fish benefit from the nutrients the plants provide and vise versa. 

The design of the…

The Aquaponic Box is a farm designed to facilitate the production and processing of brown rice and tilapia, a fish sort today only farmed in Asia. The place where the aquaponic system originates from. Already thousands of years ago, farmers in the rice paddies used the synergy between fish and plants. It forms a highly balanced closed system in which the fish benefit from the nutrients the plants provide and vise versa. 

The design of the farm makes it possible for the public to see every step of the process through the facade and the two aligning corridors right behind it. Furthermore is a restaurant integrated into the farm where guests can enjoy a meal from fresh products while watching the past production of rice. The harvesting routes aswell as all systems (fishfeeding, watermanagement etc) are coming together at a central point on the first floor, and connect to the groundfloor through a void. 


growing time 6 months

1400 fish harvested every 30 days

annual harvest: 16,800 fish = 5,040 kg


growing time 4 months

10080 plants harvested every 10 days

annual harvest: 362,880 plants = 36,288 kg

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