Rotterdamse Academie van Bouwkunst

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Combinatie / 2018-2019 / Just Baltimore

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Combinatie / 2018-2019 / Just Baltimore

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Just Baltimore

The design of the city and its buildings is often the exclusive right of directors, investors and wealthy people, who, among other things, hire architects. But there is also another city imaginable.…

The design of the city and its buildings is often the exclusive right of directors, investors and wealthy people, who, among other things, hire architects. But there is also another city imaginable. A city where you have the right to develop yourselves, partly by giving shape to the city in which you live. In this studio we look for strategies that create space for self-development and we design buildings that contribute substantially to a just city.

We begin our exploration in Baltimore, one of the most problematic cities in a country where injustice is the standard for certain population groups. Together with architecture students and teachers at Morgan State University, we explore which strategies are conceivable to give the (predominantly black) local residents more influence on the development of their own living environment. We then develop different building typologies for a just neighbourhood from these strategies. We will then draw lessons for tackling a disadvantaged neighbourhood in Rotterdam.

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The Mom's Collective - RAvB: Studentenwerk Amal Habti

The Mom’s Collective
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Baltimore Corner Stops - RAvB: Studentenwerk Tijme Scholten

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The rise of Pigtowns food revolution
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Pigtown Industry Hall - RAvB: Studentenwerk Harmen Smilde

Pigtown Industry Hall
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The Pigtown – Pit Stop. - RAvB: Studentenwerk David Sonntag

The Pigtown – Pit Stop.
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Pigtown Works - RAvB: Studentenwerk Fabian Eggink

Pigtown Works
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