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The Pigtown – Pit Stop.

  • Combinatie
  • 2018 / 2019
  • Tweede semester
  • docent: Rowin Petersma (Bureau Rowin Petersma), Wouter Veldhuis (MUST stedebouw), Cristina Murphy (XCOOP), Ivan Nio (NIO Stedelijk Onderzoek en Advies), Saskia Naafs (Saskia Naafs Onderzoek en Advies)
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A long history of racial segregation killed the city of Baltimore, and it only became stronger in the last century. The development of a strong infrastructure on the in and outside of the city contributed even more to this segregation. Wide avenues and boulevards divided the city and its neighborhoods.

Even though the city is so segregated by its infrastructure, it also provides a very well connected network within Baltimore. Alongside this…

A long history of racial segregation killed the city of Baltimore, and it only became stronger in the last century. The development of a strong infrastructure on the in and outside of the city contributed even more to this segregation. Wide avenues and boulevards divided the city and its neighborhoods.

Even though the city is so segregated by its infrastructure, it also provides a very well connected network within Baltimore. Alongside this network there are service programs. These programs serve these streets but also the city of Baltimore.


These programs are mostly car oriented and are designed for a quick use. But the nice thing about these programs is that they act as a social hub within a neighbourhood or a street. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from, everybody is allowed to make use of these spaces. Convenience stores, Gas stations and Car washes. They approachable by anybody.  

The characteristics of these public domains are a big quality within the city. In a way they make borders between neighborhoods less hard because the program is approachable. For my design I am using these characteristics as a base principle. 

My design proposition is a space where all Baltimoreans, from every layer of society, are welcome. The space should act as an equalizer: everybody who enters the space is the same, there is no difference in appearance or status. This ‘equalisation’ can be reached because the users share the same space and program. 

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