Rotterdamse Academie van Bouwkunst

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Architectuur / 2021-2022 / Learning from Venice 2e semester 2021-2022

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Architectuur / 2021-2022 / Learning from Venice 2e semester 2021-2022

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Learning from Venice 2e semester 2021-2022

Reviving vernacular connections - RAvB: Studentenwerk Wessel Geysels

Reviving vernacular connections
Bekijk project
A Foremast for the Noordereiland - RAvB: Studentenwerk Ronja Dmoch

A Foremast for the Noordereiland
Bekijk project
The enfolded pavilion - RAvB: Studentenwerk Esmee van Beekhuizen

The enfolded pavilion
Bekijk project
Pavillion of the current - RAvB: Studentenwerk Milou Van Zomeren

Pavillion of the current
Bekijk project
Reinterpreting existing connections - RAvB: Studentenwerk Arianne Fleege

Reinterpreting existing connections
Bekijk project
Playground of Solastalgia - RAvB: Studentenwerk Daan de Jong

Playground of Solastalgia
Bekijk project

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