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The guest house extension

  • Architectuur
  • 2021 / 2022
  • Tweede semester
  • docent: Sereh Mandias en David Schmidt
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Guest House

“The guest house which stood behind the Low House by McKim, Mead and White was a miniature imitation of that house in its distinctive overall form .”

R. Venturi, Complexity and Contradiction p. 58

The guest house, which is positioned as if it’s attached to the Low House, is contradicting the quotes made by R. Venturi by seeking the similarities in its characteristic overall form.

The guest house is aligned with the rear façade of the Low…

Guest House

“The guest house which stood behind the Low House by McKim, Mead and White was a miniature imitation of that house in its distinctive overall form .”

R. Venturi, Complexity and Contradiction p. 58

The guest house, which is positioned as if it’s attached to the Low House, is contradicting the quotes made by R. Venturi by seeking the similarities in its characteristic overall form.

The guest house is aligned with the rear façade of the Low House, making it a part of the main building’s façade, whereas the floor plan separates the different spaces, yet connects them at the porch and hallway of the guest house. The distinctive use of shingles, emphasis on horizontality and limited use of ornaments were one of the leading design principles, upholding the integrity of the Low House.

The functional spaces of the servants that maintain the building and cook for the residents of the Low House are mainly oriented on the northern side of the façade, making it possible to establish a connection with the guest house. Not only is the guest house giving a similar spacial experience as the Low House, but also services that are provided in the main building for the residents. 

“Although little known in its own time, the Low House has come to represent the high mark of the Shingle Style”.

L. Roth, American Architecture: A History p. 246

With this quote in mind, will the guest house represent the excellency of the Low House. 

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