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  • Architectuur
  • 2021 / 2022
  • Tweede semester
  • docent: Klaas van der Molen, Wesley Leeman en Felix Madrazo
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The fungi Avalon is a haven for the self-sufficient and adaptive capacity of the individual. A place where agriculture takes a clear stance on the vegetarian diet and distances itself from the destructive nature of the livestock and fish industry. With the vegetarian menu as a starting point, research has been done into a subsequent way to grow food without depriving the intake of essential nutrients. Variation, excitement, and eating pleasure are central to…

The fungi Avalon is a haven for the self-sufficient and adaptive capacity of the individual. A place where agriculture takes a clear stance on the vegetarian diet and distances itself from the destructive nature of the livestock and fish industry. With the vegetarian menu as a starting point, research has been done into a subsequent way to grow food without depriving the intake of essential nutrients. Variation, excitement, and eating pleasure are central to this.

Mushrooms are one of the most popular meat substitutes in the vegetarian community. Not because of the large amounts of vitamins it contains, but because of the variation in taste and texture, which comes close to that of meat, fish, and nuts. Providing every variety of edible mushrooms has become one of the preconditions in the Fungi Avalon. A true garden of Eden for the fungi. The secondary crops have been chosen, each with its own richly filled specific nutrient. Spinach is rich in iron, seeds with fats, legumes rich in proteins, fruits and mushrooms rich in vitamins, and so on.

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