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Curated Decay

  • Architectuur
  • 2023 / 2024
  • Tweede semester
  • docent:
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At the end of their lives, buildings face multiple possible outcomes. Generally, we can classify these in 3 main categories: 1) demolition 2) renovation and/or reconversion and 3) preservation. Traditionally the latter is the way to go for monuments. In this case, monuments are usually kept safe & secure, placed in a kind of vacuum, preferably untouched by its surrounding dynamics. Therefore, they become 'static' objects. Their sole purpose is to show 'the…

At the end of their lives, buildings face multiple possible outcomes. Generally, we can classify these in 3 main categories: 1) demolition 2) renovation and/or reconversion and 3) preservation. Traditionally the latter is the way to go for monuments. In this case, monuments are usually kept safe & secure, placed in a kind of vacuum, preferably untouched by its surrounding dynamics. Therefore, they become 'static' objects. Their sole purpose is to show 'the preserved'. Preservation can be useful and serves its purpose. Hence, this is by no means a plea to abandon preservation once and for all. However, there are other alternatives for monuments. This project not only questions and criticizes the conservative attitude towards monuments, but also offers a more dynamic, flexible and symbiotic alternative.


By means of curated decay the Citrusveiling adapts to its surroundings and evolves in time. Ultimately, this approach results in greater added value for the building, its users and its environment Decay is initiated and sometimes even accelerated by removing finishes, making holes in the walls, planting seeds etc. As the greenery and the decay organically grow, the building's care keeping has to follow. E.g. removing the staircase step by step, as it is the tree that freely grows. In a way, we can speak of inversed gardening: the greenery dictates, the building follows. It’s a constant and active interplay of action-reaction between building and user. However, by keeping the core of the building intact, future-oriented use is safeguarded. Along the way, the Citrusveiling will house several distinct functions. 

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