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The Flooding Forest

  • Combinatie
  • 2023 / 2024
  • Tweede semester
  • docent: J. Jorritsma & E. Marin
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The Schoonderloostreet has the lowest elevation of Coolhaven, often resulting in flooding. This new urban water strategy showcases a solution for the flooding and the rainwater cycle. The street has a hidden park, a green heart called 'the Treasure of Schoonderloo'. This park is cared for and protected by its residents, as it is the only green area nearby. The concept is to remove all the fences from the front gardens, including the…


The Schoonderloostreet has the lowest elevation of Coolhaven, often resulting in flooding. This new urban water strategy showcases a solution for the flooding and the rainwater cycle. The street has a hidden park, a green heart called 'the Treasure of Schoonderloo'. This park is cared for and protected by its residents, as it is the only green area nearby. The concept is to remove all the fences from the front gardens, including the brick wall of the hidden park, allowing it to grow further. Together with the applied water typologies it forms 'The Flooding Forest'.

Next there are 4 types of ecosystem services implied in the design, which are: products obtained - food & water / benefits obtained - air quality, pollination & water regulation / non-material benefits for people - mental and physical health benefits and lastly production services - maintaining biodiversity & water cycling. With these in mind I've designed 6 water typologies, which are the puzzle pieces for the street and reveal how the balance between people, (rain)water and nature can work.

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