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Artel— Alles ist umbau

  • Architectuur
  • 2022 / 2023
  • Tweede semester
  • docent: Laurens Boodt
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Artel— is a transformation of the Rijnhaven metro station into a dynamic urban space. ‘Alles is Umbau,’ captures the ever-evolving nature of our built environment, emphasizing how small details can influence grand designs. Inspired by the Nordic pavilion principles, the concept celebrates natural light, open spaces, and robust concrete structures. Spacious layouts with minimal partitions enhance flow and movement. Tactile elements like exposed concrete walls, floors, and ceilings add texture, while abundant greenery and outdoor…

Artel— is a transformation of the Rijnhaven metro station into a dynamic urban space. ‘Alles is Umbau,’ captures the ever-evolving nature of our built environment, emphasizing how small details can influence grand designs. Inspired by the Nordic pavilion principles, the concept celebrates natural light, open spaces, and robust concrete structures. Spacious layouts with minimal partitions enhance flow and movement. Tactile elements like exposed concrete walls, floors, and ceilings add texture, while abundant greenery and outdoor areas create a harmonious blend of nature and architecture. Glass walls and sliding doors ensure a seamless connection between the indoors and the outdoors, making the space feel expansive and inviting.

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