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Unveiled by curiosity “FROM CONFUSION TO CURIOSITY”

  • Architectuur
  • 2023 / 2024
  • Tweede semester
  • docent:
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Visiting the citrus veiling, learning and researching it. We discovered a deeper layers about the building. We discovered the beautiful little corners. We understood the shapes what made the building. We understand now how technology is a main ornament. We discovered how this building was it’s time ahead. But now even when auctions are not existing the building can be used for way more. I personally learned during this studio and because of this building…

Visiting the citrus veiling, learning and researching it. We discovered a deeper layers about the building. We discovered the beautiful little corners. We understood the shapes what made the building. We understand now how technology is a main ornament. We discovered how this building was it’s time ahead. But now even when auctions are not existing the building can be used for way more. I personally learned during this studio and because of this building how looking at different aspects you experience the building in a different ways. I looked and analyzed it from space to space at the beginning on how every area goes from a higher to a lower ceiling. An area with many colors or materials to only a few. I learned how when you walk deeper in the building you understand more and sometimes a little less about the building or its shapes. This translated for me to a verry analytical but personal set of data and the data turned into graphs what represented a special sequences. Sequences that change per person or by element focused on. Doing this I learned that every experience will be different for everyone but it will all be curiosity driven.

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