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  • Architectuur
  • 2023 / 2024
  • Tweede semester
  • docent: E. Lynn, J. Reule
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Neighbourhof manifest a communal residential building which is located in the

typology of a stacked hofje and focusses on mutual care, enabling the elderly

to live independently for longer, emphasizing self-reliance bolstered by

communal strength. The aim is to address issues related to aging and an

increasingly individualistic society by creating a community where the residents

are actively involved by the decisions making and the architecture contributes

in the interaction between the residents.


The residents of Neighbourhof encompassing a diverse cross section…

Neighbourhof manifest a communal residential building which is located in the

typology of a stacked hofje and focusses on mutual care, enabling the elderly

to live independently for longer, emphasizing self-reliance bolstered by

communal strength. The aim is to address issues related to aging and an

increasingly individualistic society by creating a community where the residents

are actively involved by the decisions making and the architecture contributes

in the interaction between the residents.


The residents of Neighbourhof encompassing a diverse cross section of the

Rotterdam society where different ages, backgrounds and family structures

come together in one building. Rising housing prices have excluded these

residents from the traditional housing market, which gives them the opportunity

for a unique social experiment. Neighbourhof represents a community concept

where the residents help and take care of each other to emphasize the selfreliance

of the residents.


To foster resident care and interaction, the proposed architectural typology is a

stacked hofje. This traditional design is renowned for its capacity to facilitate

spontaneous interactions, enhance social safety, and create a secure

environment. It offers a serene and verdant oasis within the city, effectively

integrating with the surrounding urban context. The inherent structure of the

building promotes organic care and serendipitous encounters among residents,

reinforcing a sense of community and well-being.


To accommodate a diverse array of residents, the building encompasses

various housing typologies, all of which have access to the central courtyard.

This design ensures that different types of homes cater to various resident

groups, with the courtyard serving as the pivotal communal space around

which the entire structure is organized. The building distinguishes itself through

its unique blend of typologies, the diversity of housing types, and the broad

demographic spectrum it attracts.

Communal spaces

Apart from the central courtyard, one of the most critical aspects of the building

is the array of communal spaces. These areas, intended for resident

appropriation, are strategically located along the circulation routes to

encourage stair usage and facilitate social interactions. The differentiation

between materials in private and shared spaces, along with designated seating

areas, further enhances this effect. Organic meetings and interactions among

residents foster a supportive and caring community. Each level of the building

includes a communal kitchen, living room, and collective hallway. On the roof,

these communal spaces are housed within a pavilion and a tranquil area,

offering residents a retreat from urban life with activities such as yoga to

escape the city's busyness. The design incorporates sight lines through

kitchens facing the courtyard, circulation paths with adjacent seating areas and

an inner garden surrounded by these circulation paths, all promoting

spontaneous interactions. Additionally, a back-to-back arrangement adjacent to

the waterfront provides opportunities for neighborhood engagement. The

working café features two rentable meeting rooms and a communal space

offering homework assistance and language lessons, further enriching the

community atmosphere. This comprehensive design approach ensures that

communal spaces are integral to fostering interaction and support among


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