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Active Collective

  • Architectuur
  • 2023 / 2024
  • Tweede semester
  • docent: E. Lynn, J. Reule
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This building is designed for individuals who strive active and healthy lifestyles, promoting both physical activity and social interaction among neighbours. Located in Schiehaven, existing sporting fields will be integrated into this building. This design combines the sporting function with the collective housing concept, responding to common challenges such as mental health, obesity, and loneliness by creating a new form of living.

The building caters to small, busy households with active lifestyles, encouraging a vibrant way…

This building is designed for individuals who strive active and healthy lifestyles, promoting both physical activity and social interaction among neighbours. Located in Schiehaven, existing sporting fields will be integrated into this building. This design combines the sporting function with the collective housing concept, responding to common challenges such as mental health, obesity, and loneliness by creating a new form of living.

The building caters to small, busy households with active lifestyles, encouraging a vibrant way of life. The design incorporates visible active functions to inspire both residents and the neighbourhood. Rooftop terraces with elevated courts stand out, showcasing the active lifestyle promoted on the building. A dynamic central court serves as the heart of activity, encouraging social interaction and physical engagement. Additionally, a running route along the building’s facade leads up to the rooftop.

The building features various collective spaces to encourage the active lives, including exercise areas, yoga studios, communal kitchens, laundry rooms, and a wellness. These facilities promote a sense of community and shared purpose among residents, enhancing their overall living experience.

This design approach ensures that the building becomes a vibrant, active, and healthy living space, promoting well-being and social connection.

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