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Crossing the border of the car

  • Stedenbouw
  • 2023 / 2024
  • Eerste semester
  • docent: G. Babu R P, S. Agliati & C. Edens
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In the Netherlands, a country known for its rich diversity of people with different educational backgrounds, cultural heritage, and perspectives, mobility plays a crucial role in connecting communities and promoting a sense of belonging. This multicultural society has embraced dynamics over the years that bring diversity but also result in growing inequalities among different groups. Looking towards the future, it is imperative to explore and envision how developments in transportation and mobility can continue to…

In the Netherlands, a country known for its rich diversity of people with different educational backgrounds, cultural heritage, and perspectives, mobility plays a crucial role in connecting communities and promoting a sense of belonging. This multicultural society has embraced dynamics over the years that bring diversity but also result in growing inequalities among different groups. Looking towards the future, it is imperative to explore and envision how developments in transportation and mobility can continue to contribute to cohesion and positive progress in this integrative and diverse society.

People shape the essence of a city. The happiness of residents significantly contributes to the beauty and quality of life in a city. Ensuring equal opportunities for all is fundamental to promoting prosperity, opportunities, and growth in urban areas. However, in the present landscape, the Randstad, certain demographic groups face barriers to equal opportunity access. These groups often reside in areas where there are no convenient and no easily accessible public transportation options, creating a cycle that reinforces inequality.

One group affected by this inequality can be described as a contemporary version of the working class. They are pushed to the outskirts of the city and, due to limited alternative mobility options between home and work, are forced to heavily rely on their own cars. The dependence on cars is particularly evident in regions where access to and expansion of public transportation is limited.

Unfortunately, the car, despite providing mobility, is not an economically viable option for everyone. Rising fuel prices worsen the financial burden, forcing some to allocate a significant portion of their income to commuting to work. These economic constraints and dependence on traffic characterise a phenomenon known as mobility poverty

In addition to this, frequent car usage contributes to environmental pollution, compromising sustainability. The limited natural resources and adverse effects on the climate make it even more crucial to consider alternatives such as public transportation, cycling, or shared means of transportation to reduce environmental impact and promote a more sustainable mobility.

Addressing these challenges requires a crucial focus on comprehensive and inclusive solutions that bridge the accessibility gap and promote a city where various modes of mobility are a right, not a privilege, and where the benefits of inclusive urban living are evenly distributed among all communities.

By 2050, the issue of mobility poverty is a thing of the past, as a comprehensive and inclusive approach reshapes the transportation landscape of the Randstad. The demand for sustainable, easily accessible mobility has led to the development of sophisticated mobility systems tailored to the changing needs of the population.

Different mobility solutions are implemented in various neighbourhoods, considering social factors such as income, occupations, household sizes, access to private transportation, and proximity to workplaces. The result is a universally accessible system reachable from anywhere within 10 minutes. Public transportation becomes not only more economical but also more attractive, offering a cost-effective alternative to individual car usage. The goal is to optimise accessibility and efficiency.

Neighbourhood-specific considerations dictate the addition or removal of roads and the expansion of public transport stops and lines, creating a finely meshed system. Mobility stations are strategically placed at the intersections of different systems, providing opportunities for densification and additional functions. They become transformative nodes at both the neighbourhood and city levels, serving as tools for prosperity, social interaction, and growth.

Imagine a future where transportation not only effortlessly links point A with B but also serves as a catalyst for a dynamic and flourishing community, emphasizing the Randstads essence as one inclusive and diverse society.

The mobility of the future is more than the car.

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