Nowadays there are still a lot of cars within our cities. However, we’ve acknowledged their inefficiency as a mode of urban transportation, and they require a lot of space. Therefore cars are no longer compatible with the denser cities of the future. Prioritizing walking, cycling, and efficient public transit will be crucial for the success of the dense cities. The cities will be attractive for mixed use urban areas , that will foster a variety…
Nowadays there are still a lot of cars within our cities. However, we’ve acknowledged their inefficiency as a mode of urban transportation, and they require a lot of space. Therefore cars are no longer compatible with the denser cities of the future. Prioritizing walking, cycling, and efficient public transit will be crucial for the success of the dense cities. The cities will be attractive for mixed use urban areas , that will foster a variety of local economies. Those functions will cluster around area’s where they are best accessible by the public transport network, further contributing to the appeal and functionality of these urban hubs
Lees meerThe future cities will have various hubs that will be integrated with the public transit network. Accessible within a 15-minute cycling distance from any residence, these hubs will serve as centralities. Around these hubs mixed use facilities will emerge along with increased urban density.
The cities will mostly be car free, therefore car hubs are situated in the outskirts of the city, connected to the highway system. Private and shared car mobility is situated in these hubs as well as the bus stations. Along with the car they provide the connection to smaller villages, rural countryside and nature.