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The Farm.A.C.Y.

  • Combinatie
  • 2021 / 2022
  • Tweede semester
  • docent: Henk Jan Imhoff, Dik Houben en Hans Venhuizen
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Knowing one's strengths and weaknesses gives you a better understanding of yourself and how you best operate. This knowledge is widely known and practiced but why does it not apply to our understanding of food and medicine? Why don't we truly start seeing food as medicine, not just as a derivative? We as a society have relied a lot on what is told to us by professionals. Their knowledge and dedication to their craft are…

Knowing one's strengths and weaknesses gives you a better understanding of yourself and how you best operate. This knowledge is widely known and practiced but why does it not apply to our understanding of food and medicine? Why don't we truly start seeing food as medicine, not just as a derivative? We as a society have relied a lot on what is told to us by professionals. Their knowledge and dedication to their craft are what have given them an understanding of what is good for us as a society. Or is that what we have been told and led to believe? Big pharma and big businesses have twisted the arm of those whose job it was to protect us. And have made it seem like having basic knowledge of our own bodies, food, or medicine seems like a task best left to professionals.

As the farmer for Pampus. I am willing to look beyond today to find a solution. Herbal medicinal plants have been used in the past. Some of our most used medicines have roots in these practices, e.g. paracetamol and morphine. Or the mixture of honey and lemon. A simple concoction passed down generations. Can we take back control when it comes to medicine? I want everybody to become more involved with what it means to heal oneself. While also gaining knowledge over herbs and nutrition. So they themselves can start healing small ailments without a doctor's help.

Having some knowledge in the botanical medical field would mean freedom. Not only for inhabitants of the isolated Pampus project. But it could become the building blocks for creating a stronger society. People are getting more advanced in their day-to-day lives. Becoming more self-reliant. Having individual knowledge for healing and repairing our own bodies should be part of that.

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