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  • Architectuur
  • 2021 / 2022
  • Tweede semester
  • docent: Klaas van der Molen, Wesley Leeman en Felix Madrazo
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Animal farm describes a living environment in which the relation between humans and animals is brought to life in a balanced way. Co habitation in a heterarchy  with a multi-faceted production of meat. Within this society, animals have the largest amount of space so they can walk freely in nature. As a result animals and humans will be in balance and happier.  
These animals live in landscapes that match their needs in their…

Animal farm describes a living environment in which the relation between humans and animals is brought to life in a balanced way. Co habitation in a heterarchy  with a multi-faceted production of meat. Within this society, animals have the largest amount of space so they can walk freely in nature. As a result animals and humans will be in balance and happier.  
These animals live in landscapes that match their needs in their natural habitats to live happily. The arrangement of the three different landscapes creates biodiversity and a variety of ecosystems.

The architecture is based on the three landscapes. The shelters for animals and the houses for humans are combined in each type of architecture. The circular routing creates a separation between the landscapes. The main buildings on the periphery are central located and the entire production process can be followed. A process of cohabitation with animals, slaughtering and consuming where residents voluntarily help in the slaugher house, the restaurant and the shop. To create a full experience of the process and the relation between humans and animals.  

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