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Patchwork Farm

  • Architectuur
  • 2021 / 2022
  • Tweede semester
  • docent: Klaas van der Molen, Wesley Leeman en Felix Madrazo
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How can you provide animals of a better life? That’s the question I started my project with.

How can we give the animals on our farms as much outdoor space as possible, and how can they live a natural life?

These are the reasons why I introduced a Patchwork Farm. Certain cropses, such as whinterwheat, are unproductive for months after harvest. A patchwork is used to be able to use that land for temporary outdoor living space…

How can you provide animals of a better life? That’s the question I started my project with.

How can we give the animals on our farms as much outdoor space as possible, and how can they live a natural life?

These are the reasons why I introduced a Patchwork Farm. Certain cropses, such as whinterwheat, are unproductive for months after harvest. A patchwork is used to be able to use that land for temporary outdoor living space for the animals. 

The farm is divided in a grid of 50 by 80 meters. These fields are surrounded by important green structures. They are important because they divide the fields, give shadow, bring biodiversity, synergie, and form a natural shelter and addition to the diet for the animals on the farm and the wild animals.

The Patchwork Farm feeds 60 to 75 precent of the food demand the 150 households that live on the farm have. This kind of farming is a way to introduce nature to our farms and to provide the animals of a better life.

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