The island of Brienenoord, a small nature enclave in the east of Rotterdam, represents a characteristic part of dutch history: the constant interplay between man and nature, resulting in the binary landscape we know today. During the last century, the island was cherished as a place to retreat (since the ‘volkstuin‘ was instated in the 1940s). With its‘ recent development, multiple tidal parks were established, turning the…
The island of Brienenoord, a small nature enclave in the east of Rotterdam, represents a characteristic part of dutch history: the constant interplay between man and nature, resulting in the binary landscape we know today. During the last century, the island was cherished as a place to retreat (since the ‘volkstuin‘ was instated in the 1940s). With its‘ recent development, multiple tidal parks were established, turning the island into a place of learning and discovery. The new elementary school connects these elements and creates a calm, seclusive learning environment for kids and young teenagers. It exposes the children to nature and encourages them to appreciate it on a daily basis.
Lees meerThe building, situated on the site of the current ‚Buitenplaats‘, functions as a connecting element, stretching in between the northern and southern river banks.
The programme is layed out on the ground floor and pushes the pupils and visitors
up against the surrounding forest, creating a working environment that is constantly
confronting the children with the unique characteristics of the site and the calming,
stimulating effect of nature.
the double-height, extrovert shared spaces are oriented towards the
the classrooms agglomerate around private patios, allowing visual
connections between classes and strengthening the sense of community.
Furthermore, these serve as
outdoor play areas and learning gardens, whilst bringing more light into
the adjoining
community functions.
Hallways, that loop around the patios and classrooms, invite the children to discover,
interact and linger, crossing paths with other age groups in the central lunch hall.