Miningpool community
With more and more people starting to compete on the miners market, the necessity to do this the most efficient way becomes vital to make the endeavour worthwhile. This is manageable for the centralized miningpools owned by corporations but impossible for the decentralized miningpools managed by the people. These private initiatives also need a more centralizeda approach, ‘the Mining Community’ offers this.
With the advance of the blockchain technology and the associated cryptocurrency, there is…
Miningpool community
With more and more people starting to compete on the miners market, the necessity to do this the most efficient way becomes vital to make the endeavour worthwhile. This is manageable for the centralized miningpools owned by corporations but impossible for the decentralized miningpools managed by the people. These private initiatives also need a more centralizeda approach, ‘the Mining Community’ offers this.
With the advance of the blockchain technology and the associated cryptocurrency, there is an ever-increasing demand for mining processes. We see that both corporations and privately owned mining setups try to benefit from this trend. As such a organization you have two clear objectives, computing power and cost saving. Here rises the problem within these endeavors, the centralized and circular approach of a corporate investor solves these objectives. However the current decentralized miningpool owned by private initiatives solves only one side of the problem, the computing power. The second issue about dampening the footprint of mining is unanswered. The mining pool itself also has a negative factor, it is a very anonymous platform, participants are an IP address and are socially totally closed off from each other.
The solution for these individuals must not be sought decentralized, but on a central level. An outcome for this is the mining community. The place that can be developed through smart contracts and crowdfunding by the miners, the place where the miners can operate together and benefit from the collective approach. In this community more people, so more power can be looked at collective facilities to optimize the process. The miners can jointly organize a circular set-up of heat management, energy generation and consumption and cooling of the facilities. Now this offers opportunities to tackle both objectives and problems while the anonymous character of the mining pool also transforms to a more social activity.
The community as a whole has a clear intention, that is also the reason why the community originated and that is to continue to develop and develop a hyper-efficient mining pool, for which a degree of flexibility is needed. Circularity is crucial for this and perhaps outside the community it will be necessary to look at partnerships in a businesslike way so that a heating network, cooling or energy supply can be realized, the entrepreneurial spirit and openness of the community can be read.
People who are currently participating as individuals in a mining pool, but who are not easily satisfied with the small turnover they generate. They continue to reflect in a businesslike way and build a stable passive income alongside their own career. For the target group it is possible to think ‘out of the box’, dare to take risks, be innovative and, above all, be ambitious in life. They are the calculated, well-educated people with (professional) knowledge about ICT trends that are still quite young and are not so much tied to a place. These are especially starters and young adults, the anywhere’s that are open to innovation and are not afraid to change their lifestyle. They must have the opportunity to grow within the community in terms of household and gradually change into somewhere’s.
Meaning for the city
The design of this community also offers a lot for the city of Amsterdam, the northern waterfront will gain yet another initiative which activates the livelihood of the area between all the industrial activities. Aside from this the NDSM-werf is known for its open and public character, space for events and bottom-up initiatives. The design offers space for this current usage by elevating the program like flexible housing. The actual miningpool facility offers education and an attraction. This plan can even grow by adding facilities for sports, urban farming and events. The mining community will be of public value for the city.